Members' Message Board, please check regularly.

Saturday 27 July – please note that the morning walk is only for those who have booked onto the Picnic walk

24 Jul 2024
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Picnic walk this Saturday – spaces

23 Jul 2024

If anyone missed out on booking for the Picnic Walk this Saturday, there has been a cancellation, so, if you are interested, contact Sally on or on 07818 425088 ASAP.

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Five Valleys Walk – Sunday 29 September

23 Jul 2024

If anyone is interested in this, details can be found on The Five Valleys Walk 2024

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Printable programme of walks July to September is now on the website

25 Jun 2024

Under Walks > Walks Programme. Once again thanks to Dave I because, as usual, something changed from the last time we did it and I couldn’t have sorted it out without him! You should also be getting a link to it emailed to you either by Ros  or Janet.  Sally

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How to put an emergency contact number into your phone

24 Jun 2024

You can set up an emergency contact number on your phone for someone to call (friend, family member) on your behalf without the need to know your password or screen lock. It doesn’t call 999, just the person you have nominated. HERE are the instructions. Ask if you need any help. Sally

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25% off OS Maps annual subscription

30 May 2024

Ramblers members can get this discount by going to then click on the OS link and enter code RAMOSM at the checkout.  There are details about this on p.10 of the latest Walk magazine. Sally

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Deputy Membership Secretary – Janet W

17 Mar 2024

We now have Janet helping Ros in her job as Membership Secretary. There is quite a lot of work involved (mainly caused by Ramblers Head Office’s unfriendly bureaucracy) so it is good to have someone else to share the load. The 99% of you who receive communication by email should have received the next walks…

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Thank you to the new walks leaders that have come forward

28 Jan 2024

We are very grateful to the new leaders who have come forward for the July to September programme. It is important that we get new leaders to reduce the pressure on our existing leaders who are all doing more than their fair share, with the fear that they will get fed up and give up.…

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Leaders without a pre-organised backmarker

25 Jan 2024

If you are a leader who doesn’t have a pre-organised backmarker who knows your route but rely on a volunteer in the car park beforehand, it would be very helpful if you could give them a copy of the map of your route so they know where you are going. Another option for people who…

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Cirencester Park from Spring 2024

15 Jan 2024

The Bathurst Estate has issued a message to say that, from Spring 2024, you will need a pass to visit Cirencester Park. Locals can have a Community Pass, but everyone else will have to buy one, either annually or daily. We are interpreting this as meaning it will be impossible to lead walks that go…

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27 Nov 2023

Pathwatch, the mobile phone app supported by Ramblers that enabled us to take a photo of a problem on a footpath and send it directly to Ramblers head office and to the Public Rights of Way officer giving the co-ordinates of the location, has now gone. There is a link on our website under Footpaths,…

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Leaders – Faster pace category

20 Nov 2023

We have introduced the option for leaders to designate their walk as a Faster Pace walk when they complete their Submit a walk form, as well as the Leisurely (for Monday walks) and Moderate for the majority of our walks. We anticipate that this will be used quite sparingly (probably by only a handful of…

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Ramblers new 10 year strategy

09 Nov 2023

Ramblers are proposing to update their 10 year strategy and charitable aims, you can read about it on the link. Click here

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Cleeve Hill Golf Club and Quarry car park charges

15 Jul 2023

From the 24th July car parking charges will be introduced at Cleeve Hill golf club and at Quarry car park. A fixed car parking tariff of £2 per 24-hour period will be introduced. This will apply 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Cotswold Hub Ltd, which owns the golf club business, have…

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Improvements to Ramblers main website

07 Jul 2023

There has been 2 major improvements after the disastrous introduction of their new website. Firstly, on our South Cotswold page, you can now see the Date and Distance of the walk, instead of just the title (you still have to scroll through all their stuff about joining Ramblers and donating) but this is a significant…

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The Mill Inn, Withington

21 Jun 2023

i have received a call from the Mill Inn at Withington to say they have re-opened this week and would be happy for us to start walks from their car park provided we use the pub after.

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Update from Ramblers head office re new website and Walks Manager

13 Jun 2023

Ramblers have a page on their website listing all the errors they know about (quite a long page!!). If you want to look at it you can find it at  

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Ramblers app

03 Jun 2023

If you use the app to access walks, you need to select Walking, My group (if you want just us) or My area (if you want all group walks in Gloucestershire). The information you get for each walk doesn’t show the name of the walk leader or contact details, but if you click on the…

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Finding our walks with the new Ramblers website

31 May 2023

The much delayed new Ramblers head office website came on line on 31 May. To find OUR walks, the easiest way is to start from our website, click on All our planned walks below the main picture, which will take you to our page on the Ramblers main website. Scroll down to Upcoming walks…

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Stonehouse High Street car park – don’t use as a starting place

03 Nov 2022

This car park has suddenly become very busy and finding a space there is difficult. Additionally a lot of the adjacent roads have double yellow lines on, so this area should be avoided as a starting place. You can always park at St. Cyr’s church (next to Stonehouse Court Hotel) if you want to lead…

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Footpath Clearance

28 Jul 2022

The Glos. area committee is hoping to put together a list of people who would be willing to help with footpath clearance in areas not necessarily covered by the Cotswold Wardens. This would be cutting back with secateurs etc not power tools. If anyone is interested could you please contact me initially via the website…

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Going away with Ramblers Holidays (including Adagio)?

28 Jul 2022

We receive a sum of money for Group Funds from Ramblers Holidays where members taking a holiday with them have nominated South Cotswold Group. If you ever forget to tell them when booking, there is still time if you contact them before you go. If you do so, they will donate £10, £20 or even…

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Area newsletter

08 Jul 2022

If you would like to know what is happening in the Gloucestershire area the latest newsletter is available. Click here

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Guide to finding walks on our website

29 Jun 2022

Here is a link to a guide on how to find walks on our website. Click on Read more and you will be able to access it  

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New simpler Risk Assessment form

18 Jun 2022

Leaders do need to complete the simple Risk Assessment form that Ramblers head office has issued. This can be found on the Leaders menu  on our website. There is a PDF version and a Word version. Sally

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Footpath Officer

13 Jun 2022

We are still in need of a footpath officer to represent the group. You do not necessarily  need to be a regular walker, if anyone is interested please ring me on 07931114439 to discuss further.

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Stroud Leisure Centre and Tetbury Goods yard -problem as a starting place – Leaders please note

08 Feb 2022

Parkruns in Stratford Park and Tetbury Goods Yard are taking place and it is almost impossible to park as all spaces are taken by runners on a Saturday.  Leaders might want to avoid these as a starting place on Saturdays, though they are still fine for other days. Sally

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Emergency Contact

03 Nov 2021

Walk leaders if you need to cancel a walk at the last minute for whatever reason e.g. weather conditions, illness etc. rather than using the contact page on the website which may not be picked up straight away you can ring either Ann  on 07931114439, Sally on 07818425088 . We can then put a message…

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Emergency calls on your mobile in wild places – 999 or 112?

06 Jan 2021

Watch this short video on how best to use the 112 number, especially if you plan to walk in a remote area: Don’t be put off by the fact that it is on YouTube. This is actually very useful.

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Ramblers’ advice on walking near livestock

17 Oct 2020

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Sending photos and large files the easy way using WeTransfer

05 Jul 2020

It’s been amazing the number of photos that have been sent to me to go on the website, and also the number of different people who have got interested in doing this. The photos have appeared in all sorts of formats and sizes, and hopefully have encouraged South Cots to learn new skills. After unsuccessful…

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Miserden School Parking

03 Jul 2020

Lawrence has been to Miserden recently and noted that the sign at the entrance to the CP by the school has been recently changed to “School Car Park – No Parking Mon – Fri”. This means that the car park should not be used for mid-week walks, at least in term time. (Jill and Sue…

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Think FAST

31 Oct 2019

Act FAST and call 999  

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Our Footpath Support Group needs help – could it be you?

24 Oct 2019

Our Group was set up in the 1970’s as a Footpath Group and walks started years later. However the work of volunteers is still very much needed in keeping an eye on our wonderful path network. We need more help, having only 5 volunteers on the committee! If you don’t fancy meetings (just 4 a…

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12 Sep 2019

What is what3words? what3words is a really simple way to talk about location. We have assigned each 3m square in the world a unique 3 word address that will never change. For example ///filled.count.soap marks the exact entrance to what3words’ London headquarters. 3 word addresses are easy to say and share, and are as accurate…

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999 or 112 for Emergency Calls – which is better in wild places?

07 Jan 2019

Watch this short video on how best to use the (relatively) new 112 number, especially if you are in a remote area. Don’t be put off by the fact that it is on Youtube. This is actually very useful. Click HERE

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The Walking Partnership

08 Nov 2018

8 November 2018 – Richard writes, “We have just received another £430 to us under the Walking Partnership. This includes £130 from the Ravenscar Holiday towards Group funds from Ramblers Holidays as a result of members going away with them. Excellent.” South Cotswold Ramblers Group receive funding every time you book a holiday with Ramblers Walking…

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Please keep an eye on the backmarker

22 Jun 2018

A big thank you to all members who act as backmarkers on our walks. Occasionally leaders forget to keep an eye on them, especially when entering a wood. Sometimes the backmarker needs to hang back as a walker is having a comfort stop and then the backmarker wonders where the group have gone! Please keep…

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Is Ramblers using your correct email address?

01 May 2018

GDPR News – All your contact details are your personal information, including your email address. To check your record and indeed update it if necessary it is quite straightforward: Go to If you have already registered online with Ramblers, enter your login details (email address and password) and then check your record. If not…

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Suspect a stroke – act FAST and call 999

14 Oct 2016

Face weakness Arm weakness Speech problems Time to call 999 See

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