Summer Picnic Walk – Saturday 27 July – how to book and pay

All South Cotswold Ramblers members are invited to a Picnic Lunch on Saturday 27 July at Upton St. Leonards at the Birchall Memorial Club (BMI club -8 Bondend Road, Upton St Leonards, GL4 8AG)

The cost (to cover food, tea and coffee and hire of hall) will be £14 per person. To attend this you need to pay and book in advance as follows:

  • Pay by bank transfer to Account no: 20240918 Sort code 60 – 83 – 01 South Cotswold Group Holiday
  • then email to say who you have paid for and any dietary requirements. Also whether you are planning on a) walking beforehand or b) not walking at all but just coming for the picnic

Alternatively hand correct money in envelope with contact tel no and names of attendees and whether you are walking or no walk, just picnic to Sally or Ann on a walk.

Deadline for booking and payment is Monday 1st July. There is a limit on numbers so book early (but it’s fairly generous). No option to turn up and eat your own food or to pay on the day! There will be a 5 mile level walk beforehand leaving at 10am as usual, with no stiles, led by Loren. Parking will be available from 9.30 with loos open. (You do not need to do the walk, you can just book and come to the lunch, or you can do the walk and not partake in the lunch).  The walk will go via the Services where there is the option to use the facilities, buy food and drink etc.

If you are only coming for the picnic, please arrive at the hall at 12.30.

The bar at the BMI Club will be open where you can buy drinks (card or cash)

Last year’s Picnic Walk was so successful that we have decided to do another, using a different venue and with a different walk. Sally